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Shippers and carriers share a greater amount of digital communication and connectivity than ever before. Emails, electronic load booking and cell phones are replacing faxes, phone calls and CB radios. This increasing “connectedness” should leave shippers and carriers alike contemplating how vulnerable they are to data breaches and what the implications of these breaches might be.

It was recently reported that the American Trucking Association is in the final stages of developing a cybersecurity incident and response service to address this very issue. The service, known as Fleet CyWatch, will aid carriers in reporting cyberattacks of on-board trucking data systems that could be used to further exploit carriers’ IT systems and infrastructure. It is important to note that this is a reporting/alert system; it cannot prevent cyberattacks.

Shippers should take note of carriers’ continuing investments into creating and reinforcing cybersecurity systems such as Fleet CyWatch. As the trucking industry continues to grow, shippers’ own IT systems can also be exposed to cybersecurity threats due to the high level of connectivity they and carriers now share. Compromised IT systems could mean the loss of critical data, including shipment information, payment records and images. As for AMTR, security is always a concern for us, as well, as we continue to implement industry-leading solutions to ensure our clients’ data is safe from compromise.

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